poniedziałek, 15 maja 2017

Ruszamy!!! Let's go!!!

In view of my upcoming adventure, I have moved this blog to: 

 That Cycling Chick

Z okazji rozpoczęcia mojej obecnej przygody, ten blog przeniósł się tutaj:

niedziela, 23 kwietnia 2017

Po co to wszystko?

Jak, gdzie i dlaczego?

Przez dwa ostatnie i pół roku byłam chora i nieszczęśliwa… bla bla bla… nikogo to nie obchodzi.

W styczniu 2017 roku postanowiłam, że muszę *coś* z tym zrobić jeśli mam kontynuować moją egzystencję a nie ją kończyć na dnie Sekwany. Zdecydowałam zrealizować moje odwieczne marzenie o podróży po Stanach Zjednoczonych. Rowerem. Sama. Bez kasy.

Ten blog oraz organizowana na nim charytatywna zbiórka pieniędzy na 3 ważne dla mnie cele mają mi pomóc w wytrwaniu w tym przedsięwzięciu oraz przemienić ostatnie koszmarne lata w coś pozytywnego i piękniejszego niż wszystkie moje bolączki razem wzięte.

Chcesz wiedzieć więcej, ale czasu brak? Przejdźmy zatem do konkretów: 

Dlaczego – dłuższa odpowiedź:
  1. Dla mnie: po 2,5 latach, które nieźle dały mi po tyłku, postanowiłam zrobić coś, co pomoże mi się z tej mizerii wykaraskać.
  2. Dla przygody: chcę spróbować alternatywnego, społecznie mało-akceptowalnego stylu życia.
  3. Dla świata: pragnę zmieniać rzeczywistość, w której żyję, poprzez rozpowszechnianie doświadczeń kobiet gdyż, jak to mówią po angielsku „if you can see it, you can be it”, takie nasze „z kim przestajesz, takim się stajesz” (tak, doświadczenie pokazuje, że wybycie solo w świat nie równa się z natychmiastową śmiercią z ręki patriarchatu).
Chcesz wiedzieć więcej?
Kliknij tutaj by przeczytać pełną historię.

sobota, 22 kwietnia 2017

More on the WHY

Why cycle?
Mainly, because I just looove the sexy cycling tan lines one gets when riding in the sun. Then, because as Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and can coast down them.... Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motorcar only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle.” And last but not least, because evidence shows that prolonged low-intensity exercise treats depression as effectively as antidepressants – but without the side-effects, of course. In short, I’m doing this to get better.
Why moneyless?
First, because it’s possible (big thanks to Sarah et Lilly as well as Rob Greenfield for inspiration). Second, for the challenge. I have always had easy access to money. I got my first paid job at the age of 16 and finding work has never been an issue. The deal is straightforward: need something? Get a job to earn the money for it. A complete opposite of my sister who puts time and effort into finding “the next best deal,” “the cheapest whatever-she-needs,” “that thing she wanted for FREE.”
Don’t get me wrong: I work in financial administration and am the first to know that NOTHING in life is free. Money, however, is not the sole medium of exchange. It is surely the most widely spread and very convenient, but not the only one.
I am confident I will be able to get what I need through bartering, swapping skills, trading stories, volunteering or simply asking for help. I’m basing this on the premise that we’re all alike: we are compassionate human beings who stick together. Okay, I can hear the LOLs of some of you from here… But let me tell you that I really do *not* remember an instance when I refused help to someone who asked me for it. I do however remember very well that time when my sister invited three Portuguese back-packers who were lost in our hometown over and had them stay for a week in the end…
Making money is not hard for me. Acknowledging, on the other hand, that I am not a self-sufficient super-hero but depend on others and my ability to make human connections, reach out and ask for help is the real challenge.
Why solo?
Because there are far too few women who dare to do things on their own. I have been travelling by myself for over a dozen years now and still, the first question people throw my way is: “alone?! Aren’t you afraid?!” The prevailing belief is that once a woman leaves her house, her parents, her companion, she becomes an easy target. Once on her own: everything and anything can happen to her. Once far away from her family, bad things will necessarily happen to her. Well, let me tell you this (and I am speaking from first-hand experience): dangerous or hurtful events are not delimited to distant places and unfamiliar people. Actually, over a staggering 80% of sexual violence against women is committed by a perpetrator known by the victim (here are some stats: France, Poland, US). If the wrongdoer is known to the victim, chances are the lieu is too.
Indeed, I have been sexually assaulted not that far from where I lived as a kid: the first time, just across the street opposite my house, then at a bus stop 2 kilometers away, at a crossroads 3-minutes away from home or on a bus ride home…
Am I more vulnerable when alone?
Well, my experience shows that offenders are not concerned with such petty details: they’ll happily flash you when you’re accompanied by friends, grab you when you’re with a family member or grope you when you’re on a school trip.
I have been victim to sexual violence when on travels only twice (you can read about one instance here). Personally, I feel empowered when on my bike. I feel strong, manly and untouchable.
Let me quote Susan B. Anthony, who said it best: “I think bicycling has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. It makes her feel as if she were independent. The moment she takes her seat she knows she can't get into harm unless she gets off her bicycle, and away she goes, the picture of free, untrammelled womanhood.”

środa, 5 kwietnia 2017

niedziela, 1 stycznia 2017

Apdejt 2017

Notka dla czytających
Pomimo iż wpisy z moich wypraw datują sprzed kilku lat, 
spisuję je na papierze dopiero w 2016 i 2017 roku...
Ten blog nie jest więc opustoszałym duchem, tylko po prostu powoli mi idzie...

poniedziałek, 29 lutego 2016

Epilogue - 28.02.2016

Prachathipat (Bangkok suburbs) – Bangkok airport
The last 24-hours

My WS host puts Kostas and me up at his friend’s house (thank you friend!).

Once at the premises, we talk, exchange stories, listen to music and sing.

The following day Kostas decides to ride with me to the airport.

Since we have been very healthy cyclists for the past couple of weeks, we decide we’ve hard-earned our opportunity to go naughty. We stop by at a coffee shop for some sugar-loaded treats, we drink, we smoke… Rowdy cyclists yes we are!!!